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Tree Lithophane Maker

Turn your picture into a tree lithophane stl with the options below. You can hang your tree from a Christmas Tree, or anywhere that you want if you include a hole and light it with a tea light like this one.

Upload your image
Top Hole
Circular Light Clamp
Light Reflector
Lithophane Resolution (mm/pixel):

Width (mm):

Height (mm):

Frame Size (mm):

Maximum Thickness (mm):

Minimum Thickness (mm):

Light Clamp Inner Diameter (mm):

Est. Run Time (s):

Est. File Size (MB):

Must have an account to save settings
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This tool turns your picture into a Christmas Tree Lithophane! These lithophanes can be placed on a table, or hung from a tree. I recommend lighting them with a tea light. I have found compared two options. This tea light is bright enough to illuminate the lithophane in regular room lighting, but has a battery life of 30 hours and I recommend a clamp diameter of 28.5mm for it. This tea light lasts for 100 hours, but doesn't illuminate the lithophane well in a dark room (but not a bright one), and needs a clamp diameter of 36mm. To improve the visibility of your lithophane even further, I recommend using a filament that is more transparent like this recycled, American Made PETG or this PLA.
You can control the height and width of the lithophane with the settings above. The frame size is the thickness of the frame. The maximum thickness and the minimum thickness are used to control how much light gets through the lithophane surface. Because tea lights are relatively dim (compared to a lamp, for example), I recommend lowering the maximum thickness to about 60% of what you would typically use in order to brighten the lithophane. I recommend making the clamp diameter about 0.5mm less than the diameter of the tea light that you want to use. This will make the clamp hold the tea light.

Get the best filament tailored to lithophanes!

Your lithophane will be ready to download momentarily.

If you're running into trouble, join the Lithophane Maker User's group on Facebook to ask questions, or email me at [email protected].
Support this service by linking to when you share pictures and videos of your lithophanes. Most makers find this site through referrals from lithophane makers like you!

You can also support the service by liking and following the videos, pages, and designs on YouTube, Thingiverse, social media! This will raise's visibility so that other makers can find the tools as well.

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